Influencer Analysis
Generate ReportInfluencer Overview
Betweenness Centrality

Degree Centrality

Betweenness centrality
By calculating the betweenness centrality of the network of followers, we are able to visualize which are the key influencers and how important they are in sharing information to other followers. From the network graph generated, we can see that meimei_is_the_cutest has the highest betweenness centrality among other nodes.
With a high betweenness centrality, it shows that this user is very important in connecting the followers in the network. Just to recap, it means that she has fallen on most of the shortest path between one follower to another and is critical in spreading information fast, between the followers in the network. On top of that, after looking at her instagram page, we found out that she is actually a food blogger, which makes her a perfect fit for FFL to engage for their next social media campaign.
Degree Centrality
Degree centrality allow us to identify key influencers in the network that has the highest potential influencing power and sharing capability.
From the network generated, we can see that melissackoh has the highest degree centrality in the network.This shows that melissackoh has the potential to reach many instagram users. In addition, melissackoh has around 264k influencers and is verified on instagram, hence this shows that she has high credibility and potential to reach many instagram users. So we will recommend FFL to engage melissackoh to be FFL promoter / influencer for the next social media marketing campaign.
By calculating the betweenness centrality of the network of followers, we are able to visualize which are the key influencers and how important they are in sharing information to other followers. From the network graph generated, we can see that meimei_is_the_cutest has the highest betweenness centrality among other nodes.
With a high betweenness centrality, it shows that this user is very important in connecting the followers in the network. Just to recap, it means that she has fallen on most of the shortest path between one follower to another and is critical in spreading information fast, between the followers in the network. On top of that, after looking at her instagram page, we found out that she is actually a food blogger, which makes her a perfect fit for FFL to engage for their next social media campaign.
Degree Centrality
Degree centrality allow us to identify key influencers in the network that has the highest potential influencing power and sharing capability.
From the network generated, we can see that melissackoh has the highest degree centrality in the network.This shows that melissackoh has the potential to reach many instagram users. In addition, melissackoh has around 264k influencers and is verified on instagram, hence this shows that she has high credibility and potential to reach many instagram users. So we will recommend FFL to engage melissackoh to be FFL promoter / influencer for the next social media marketing campaign.